报告题目:On the subspaces and quotients of C(K) spaces with few operators
所在单位:Institute of Science and Technology of the Federal University of São Paulo (ICT-UNIFESP)
报告时间:2022年12月15日 20:00-22:00
报告地点:Zoom Id:952 755 528,Password:2022

报告人简介:At this moment he is a postdoc student at Federal University of São Paulo, where he is studying Lipschitz free Banach spaces and their applications. Also, he has continued working on Banach spaces C(K) with few operators which was the topic of his doctoral dissertation. As a result, a manuscript on the subspaces of linear operators on C(K) contained in the set of not weak multiplier operators is being completed in collaboration with R. Fajardo and L. Pellegrini. Before he joints UNIFESP, he pursued his PhD in mathematics. In his PhD thesis they found some topological conditions on a compact K, related to the property of C(K) having few operators. They also proved that there exists an indecomposable C(K) that has some not weak multiplier operators. Moreover, assuming the Diamond Principle, they constructed a compact non-weakly Koszmider Space K, which has no trivial retractions. In the next couple of months he will move to Rio de Janeiro where he will be a Professor at Rio de Janeiro State University.